Ducklings day 36

Today at the duck house is a bit different: to give the ducklings more space, I assembled a little run for them using some spare gates.

They’re getting bigger, and are old enough to go outside now, though about three weeks from being ready to go free-range in the pond.

My initial idea was to use some posts and spare fencing wire to make a run, then I remembered these metal gates. The two poles even have concrete still on them, making them more stable.

These gates used to be on a fence between the field and the rest of the garden, that we removed years ago.

Here’s what I assembled. It’s just held together with bungee cords, but is secure enough — and is only temporary; I’ll remove it all once they’re allowed in the pond:

Duckling run

The gate on the top probably isn’t necessary; it’s mainly to keep other animals out. The ducklings can’t fly that high (or at all yet).

I can slide the top gate off if desired, and can swing open the left gate to access the run.

I’ll get them to go back inside at night, and close up the duck house. This run is just for daytime use.

Here’s a shot from the duck house cam, with the doors open:

Duck house cam

The first duckling to step slightly outside:


Starting to explore:






Bert was very curious:


I moved the mobile camera from the beehives to watch the duckling run:




Peeking at the ducklings from above:


From the other side:


Some pictures from the mobile cam (before I changed the cam label):


Look at those wings!


Back inside for a nap:


Afternoon run time:


Sitting around:


3 thoughts on “Ducklings day 36

  1. Pingback: David Sinclair
  2. Fantastic. It’s good to see them outside. Hang in there Bert. It won’t be long now!

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