Chicks: practice roost

The baby chicks (now two weeks old) don’t need a roost for sleeping yet, but yesterday I built one anyway out of wood scraps. It’s fairly low, scaled to chick size. A fun playground and practice for them:

They weren’t sure about it at first, of course, but soon got used to it:

Also, this morning while holding some of the chicks, this one climbed up my arm and was most fascinated by my beard:


A chick steals a Q-tip

We have some Q-tips for cleaning chick pasty butts, and a couple of chicks discovered them during my interaction time (when the crate is open), and stole some, and proceeded to run around squawking about their find. Great good fun!

Three chicks

Just three of the chicks, spending quality time with me. Still little balls of fluff, but starting to get bigger and grow feathers.

Chicks: Merida & Domino

I spend time with the chicks each day (in the morning and before going to bed). This morning, I had one of the two most friendly chicks hanging out on my left hand/arm while getting and holding others in my right hand. Then I had both of the friendly ones at once, as pictured below.

This is Domino, a Dominique chick.  (I bet you can’t guess where her name comes from!) She is very friendly, and likes to snuggle in the palm, and often falls asleep soon after being picked up.

Here’s Merida, who I believe is a White Plymouth Rock, along with Domino.

Both again. It looks like Merida is being confrontational (she is Top Chicken), but a moment later they both settled down again.

Happy birthday chicks!

The chicks are one month old today.

Hard to believe they were this tiny only a month ago:

And here are all 16 of them today; still got a lot of growing to do, but significantly bigger:

Here are an assortment of other pictures from today:

Chicks: doubled crate

The chicks are getting bigger fast, and their new home isn’t quite ready yet, so I added a second large dog crate to their temporary home upstairs. They seem happier to have more space, even if the expansion process itself was “the worst thing they’d ever experienced”.