Recently the pop door opener for the old chicken coop stopped working. The pop door is the small door that enables the chickens to go from the coop to their run. It has a door that slides closed at night (on a light sensor), and open in the morning.
So, I purchased a replacement.
One likely factor in the failure of the old opener was that the cord went through the wall then horizontal then vertical, via three pulleys. This complicated system would have put more strain on the motor. Plus, I had a fairly heavy pop door. Here’s the old system, when it was first installed (in January 2016; wow, seems much longer ago):
So in addition to replacing the opener, I simplified the cord system. It still goes through the wall, since the light sensor needs to be outside, but there are now only two pulleys, on a more direct path. Here’s the inside of the new opener, and the pulley above the hole in the wall:
The opener control panel, awaiting installation:
Installed control panel:
On the inside, the hole and second pulley:
The cord now goes straight down from the hole:
The wooden door is also more lightweight now; thick plywood instead of solid wood. Not quite as secure, but should still suffice.
I expect this new setup should last much longer.