Daylight savings has started (unfortunately… maybe one day we’ll abolish it). But the cats don’t care, other than my tweaking the feeding time slightly.
We had lots of unwelcome visitors this past week, starting with a possum, that visited pretty much every day, and even hung out inside the shelter for about an hour one night:
The alien orange cat also invaded the shelter:
The orange cat:
But there was plenty of cuteness, as always. Here’s a sideways cat:
Five cats at breakfast time:
A relaxed cat inside:
Cat silhouettes:
Back to the invaders. A raccoon turned up, and a cat left the shelter:
The raccoon came back about an hour later, and was met with disapproval:
Not to be left out, the alien gray cat also turned up:
And the possum again (or another one; who can tell):
Oh look, another raccoon, this time at breakfast:
Poppy registered a complaint:
Then retreated to the shelter:
I’m getting tired of possums and raccoons turning up, even when there isn’t food there. My main regret about building this shelter is that I didn’t make the entrances in such a way to prevent unwanted guests. Possums and raccoons can climb very well, but they can’t jump quite as far as cats, so making a higher entrance with metal sides to prevent climbing would enable cats to enter, but not possums and raccoons.
I am contemplating modifying the cat house to give such an entrance. One idea was to raise the whole thing up, but that’d have some issues. I’m currently leaning towards enclosing the deck, and making a high entrance in front of the feeder. But of course I won’t have time for such projects until I finish the duck house.
On happier things, two cats outside, one inside:
Four cats:
Cat snuggles:
More snuggles:
A cat trying to push in at breakfast time, and told to wait their turn:
Comfy cats: