Lots of pictures of Porcini this week; she’s a bit of a home-body, not necessarily in the cat house, but in the gardens nearby. Pommie is too, in her own way, though she prefers the cabins.
Several days this week I’ve spotted Porcini when doing my afternoon or evening rounds, on the way to or from the pond. Here she is on the steps to the fountain garden:

Porcini waiting for her turn for breakfast:

It’s not all Porcini, though. Here’s Spud emerging from the breezeway cabin:

Spud freezes when he spots a bird at the end of the breezeway:

Oh look, it’s Porcini again:

And again:

And again; so comfy on the deck:

Two cats as the food starts to dispense:


Sniffing noses:

Spotted Porcini again; you can just barely see her hiding behind the ceramic pukeko ornaments:

Yep, it’s Porcini again:

Porcini and Poppy inside their house:

Finally, some other cats; here’s Bella:

Pommie and Poppa:

Poppy and Spud: