Flock Friday for May 21

Still waiting for Betty’s ducklings (could be any day now); still waiting for Sonja to start full-time nesting (could be any day now); plus some other pictures of ducks and chickens (with a particularly funny one at the end).

Here’s Betty, still nesting on her eggs, and not happy to be disturbed:




Did you see the video of her?

I added more straw to the duck house, and refilled their food and water:


Taking a peek at Sonja’s eggs while she was away; I see 10 eggs here (at least one under the straw):

Sonja's eggs

Sonja's eggs

She has been increasing the time spent sitting on them, but isn’t full-time yet, so I don’t think we can start the clock on them hatching quite yet. She has also gathered up most of that new straw to insulate her nest.

Ducks on the floating island:

Ducks on the floating island

Ducks on the floating island

Ducks in the pond:

Ducks in the pond

Ducks on the pond bank:

Ducks on the pond bank

Chickens with treats:

Chickens with treats


Chickens with treats


Chickens with treats


Um, three chickens don’t really fit in a nesting box:

Three chickens in a nesting box

One thought on “Flock Friday for May 21

  1. Pingback: David Sinclair

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