Sonja’s ducklings on June 18 and 19

I mentioned in Flock Friday yesterday that Sonja’s ducklings were due to hatch that day, based on when she started full-time nesting. Well, right on schedule, they did indeed; I saw the first duckling yesterday afternoon, and this morning there are several; a little too dark to count them, but I’m pretty sure I saw at least six.

Here are some GIFs of them, starting with the first one I saw:

Sonja's ducklings

Another GIF:

Sonja's ducklings

GIF of a duckling tumbling out of the nest, and climbing back in:

Sonja's ducklings

After dark GIF with several visible:

Sonja's ducklings

This morning, one of the boys was being too nosy, so Sonja led him away from the nest. The oldest duckling followed to the door, then returned to the nest (GIF):

Sonja's ducklings

While she was away, we get a better look at the squirming mass of ducklings in this GIF; see how many you can count:

Sonja's ducklings

For comparison, here is a picture of Betty’s ducklings; already much bigger:

Sonja and Betty's ducklings

Finally, several ducklings emerging from under Sonja:

Sonja's ducklings

Stay tuned for another baby duckling update tomorrow.

Cat update for week ending June 19

Welcome to Caturday. With, as you might guess, some pictures of our feral cats. including two GIFs.

Here’s Porcini chillaxing in the cat house:


Pommie oozing out of a cabin:


Spud and Pommie:

Spud and Pommie

Spud on the driveway by the shop:

Spud on the driveway by the shop

Porcini inside again:


A timelapse GIF of a day of Porcini in the cat house:


Cat tail:

Cabin cat

A captured moment of Porcini licking her face while looking at the camera:

Porcini yawning

Just a quick lick, here in GIF form:

Porcini yawning

An amusing expression on Spud’s face in the breezeway:

Spud in the breezeway

Jumping up:

Spud in the breezeway

Two cats by the feeder:

Two cats