Some more progress on building custom shelving for the greenhouse this past weekend (see last week’s post if you missed the start of the project).
During the week, I took the center posts to the greenhouse to help visualize them, and determine the best place for the topmost shelf:

I also ordered a 2 foot long power strip with lots of outlets, to mount onto the posts:

And I held the plastic sink in place, to visualize that option. I got this outdoor sink as a present a while back, but haven’t used it yet (my original idea for it didn’t work out). But I think it’ll fit perfectly, with some minor modifications, between the potting bench and back shelves:

On Saturday, I took everything out of the greenhouse in preparation for installing weed control fabric:

The empty greenhouse:

Installed weedmat:

I also replaced the power cord with an optimal length one; the one I had before was too long, and bright orange:

Then I put the potting bench back inside, and stacked the plant trays and such on top to get them out of the way:

Back in the workshop, I added horizontal 2x4s to the back-right posts, to help support the right shelves:

I also built a small top shelf on the back-center posts:

And mounted the new power strip underneath (with the Eero Beacon wi-fi extender plugged in upside-down at the end):

I took the posts to the greenhouse (this is a wide-angle shot):

The posts are mounted to the wooden foundation with deck screws, ensuring the shelves can’t tip over or move:

A wide-angle shot of the back shelves, with only two of the four shelves (plus the top one) in place. I left the other two in the shop to help copy them for the right shelves:

A closer look at the left side of the back shelves:

And the right side:

The right posts of the right shelves, similarly mounted to the foundation:

I made middle posts for the right shelves, but it bothered me that the posts didn’t line up with the metal frame of the greenhouse… so I took them back to the shop and pulled them apart and re-made them (see the revised edition later). A minor detail, but I’d rather be happy with it. Here’s the initial edition sitting in place:

After doing the edging and bracing for the first right shelf, I took it to the greenhouse to check the fit; perfect:

So I finished that shelf, and the others:

The bottom shelf, revised middle posts, and right posts:

Here’s a view of the back and right shelves. A fun detail is that the right shelves don’t have edge trim on their left side, since they abut the back shelves; I thought it’d be tidier to not have two edges next to each other:

A closer view of the meeting of the shelves (they aren’t attached to the supports yet):

I’m now done building the shelves, but ran out of time to finish installing them.
This morning I wanted to check that the sink would fit, so I went out there and wedged it in place with the stool. Yep, that’ll work nicely:

The sink and shelves (again, some shelves are missing, and they aren’t attached yet):

Since I was going to the greenhouse, I took a couple more shelves over there. Here’s a view of the ones there currently; I’ll take the remaining three over another day:

Next weekend I’ll finish installing the shelves, plus the sink.