Unlike the flock pics, I didn’t have a huge collection of cat pictures this week, as the cats haven’t been hanging around as much, as is typical in warmer weather. But I did choose some interesting ones. Interesting to me, anyway.
Firstly, the twin cats:
The cats haven’t been spending much time in the shelter, since it isn’t all that cold at night, but occasionally they rest for a bit, especially while waiting for breakfast to be dispensed:
Hey, is this photo mis-filed?! Sure, it contains birds… but also a cat. Can you see it?
Here’s another one, that includes two cats. One should be easy to see:
A cat less stealthily watching a bird on a feeder hook:
Spud in front of the cat house:
Three cats:
About to leap on top of the camera housing:
Four cats:
Two story cats:
Another encounter between the alien orange cat & Poppy, in night vision and color:
(It ended peacefully enough, when Poppy ran off.)
One more pic of a cat watching birds, from a few minutes ago:
That’s it for this week!
How far do the cats roam? Is it far from their house to the bird feeders?
The bird feeders are fairly close, 100’ or so. They roam beyond our property; not sure how far. They are citizens of the world.