Time once again to take a peek in the cat house.
One of the twins playing inside:
About to jump onto the camera housing:
Two for breakfast:
A raccoon visited soon after breakfast was dispensed:
So I decided that since it was getting light later, I should change the feeder schedule to dispense half an hour later.
Three cats:
One arrives while another is eating:
Poppy is sleeping, and another cat arrives:
Another unwelcome guest, a possum; fortunately with no food left:
Porcini waiting for breakfast; she didn’t get the memo of the later breakfast time:
Pepper in the shop:
Spud on the front steps:
A couple of days later, Spud hanging around again, on the kitchen lawn:
A Steller’s Jay making poor life choices:
Went back for several more bits of food:
Looking out the window:
Three cats on the deck:
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