Let’s check on Bert, the chickens, and fish.
Bert went onto the pond deck:
Perhaps looking for the mealworm treats and koi food I keep in a box on the deck… guarded by a resident frog:
Bert watching the ducklings:
By the duck house on a rainy day:
Bert looking over the pond:
Chickens enjoying one of their favorite treats — rice:
Lettuce is ignored when there’s rice available:
It’s been hot this week, so I opened all of the chicken coop vents and windows. Here you can see chickens on the roost by the front window:
Another day; a whole lettuce plant, tomatoes, and corn cobs for the chickens:
Looking down from the pond deck at Bert and koi:
Smaller koi:
Restocked duckling and chicken food, with a messy floor from straw stored above the door:
As you may have seen on my personal blog, a jumbo egg:
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