Welcome to the first Flock Friday with the new ducks. Plus chicken pictures, of course.
As you probably saw in the previous post, we have ordered seven more ducklings, all female this time, to address the gender imbalance of the ducks. They will probably arrive around Thursday next week, so I will resume the daily duckling posts with them at that time, and will feature the older ducks in the Flock Friday posts going forward.
Again, you can read all of the previous duckling posts from the beginning via the “ducklings 2020” tag on this blog. And the second batch of ducklings will be tagged “ducklings 2020 again”.
On with the show; here are the chickens waiting for treats:
Chickens with rice treats:
An animated GIF of Sven and Betty on the ramp from the duck house, Bert flying into the pond to chase Sven, then Betty emulating and distracting him:
Some still images from that:
Duck treats:
Bert, Betty, Raoul, Rémy, and Sven:
Sonja, Sven, and Clyde:
Ducks eating in the duck house:
The non-Buffs hanging out on the pond edge:
A GIF of Sven hesitantly sliding down the rock slide:
On morning rounds today, Flo snuck through the gate from the chicken run into the veggie garden; she quickly realized the error of her ways, and I got her back through the gate after a minute:
Ducks eating in the duck house again:
Enjoy that while you can, ducks — I’ll be closing up the duck house this weekend, in preparation for new ducklings. I’ll feed the older ducks from a dish next to the pond. More on that another day. Stay tuned for the exciting bonus season of duck TV!
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