Yesterday I did a post about our new ducklings. I’ll no doubt do another post about them later today too. But in the meantime, a regular Flock Friday post about wild birds, chickens, and our adult duck.
Firstly, I saw what looks like a carrier pigeon on our driveway. It has leg bands, and didn’t seem afraid of me. I guess taking a pitstop:
While doing the gate post repair, I dug a couple of small holes in the new and old chicken runs, so the chickens could enjoy digging in the dirt:
The heron visited again; the decoy heron doesn’t seem to deter it:
I chased it off again (though it had been there a while before I noticed it):
Got a dirty bill there Bert:
The chickens watching me most intently, waiting for me to give them treats:
A couple of funny/interesting things in this shot: stretched neck, and eye in mid-blink (the chicken in the foreground) — fun fact, chickens have a third eyelid, a nictitating membrane, that protects and moistens the eye while still allowing them to see:
Rice treat scramble:
Buffy laying an egg:
You may have seen this on the What’s It Wednesday answer; a closeup of Bert’s foot:
Head close-ups:
And a couple more shots of him:
Stay tuned for more duckling pics later.