Lots of activity with Betty’s ducklings today!
We start with some GIFs and pictures from yesterday afternoon.
An animated GIF of a duckling going into and out of the dish under the feeder tube:

Duckling in food dish:

A photo of Sonja half-buried in her nest:

Me adding a duckling food dispenser:

A photo of Betty and four ducklings; I later saw a total of six:

A GIF of Betty gathering in a duckling with her wing:

A GIF of Betty flapping her wings; it’s good to stretch:

A GIF of ducklings exploring the food:

A GIF of ducklings eating:

A picture of ducklings eating:

Ducklings about to explore the ramp:

Betty chasing the ducklings back inside:

A GIF of Betty chasing off another duck, as one of the ducklings was exposed in the middle box:

A GIF of Sonja moving around in her nest, and ducklings exploring:


A GIF time-lapse:

Ducklings by the door:

A GIF of Betty and her ducklings going into Sonja’s nest:

A GIF of Betty and her ducklings heading out the pop door on the way into the pond:

A bunch of pictures of Betty and ducklings on the ramp then their first swim in the pond, with other ducks nearby (thanks to Jenn for capturing most of these):

Check out the video on YouTube, if you haven’t already.
One of the ducklings was struggling, looking like it might drown, so I fished it out of the pond and put it back in the duck house:

I put it in Sonja’s nest, as I noticed another duckling in there, probably from when Betty went into that nest:

Here you can see Sonja and one of the ducklings:

The other four ducklings took a breather on the edge of the pond, while Betty was quacking nearby:

Hopefully the ducklings won’t overtire themselves, and will be able to find their way back into the duck house tonight, or some other safe place.
Stay tuned for more updates!