As mentioned on my personal blog, I recently bought a new drone: a DJI Mavic Mini. It’s a huge improvement over the old Parrot one I’ve had for years, and a couple of smaller toy ones I’ve tried. I haven’t really wanted to use those, as they lack a GPS to help navigation, so tend to drift away without actively managing the positioning, and the cameras are low resolution and fixed in place, so photos and video are poor quality.
While this new drone is very lightweight and lacks more pro features like course plotting, following, object avoidance, etc, the Mavic Mini does have a GPS to anchor it in the sky and let it return to the takeoff location, a gimbal for the camera to keep it straight and steady, and a camera resolution (4000×2250) comparable to modern iPhones (4032×3024).
See that Dejus post for pictures of the drone while setting it up. Here are a couple of pictures of it in the sky:

I probably won’t keep the blade guards on long-term, but thought that they’d be helpful “training wheels” while I practice flying it.
Anyway, the drone will be fun when we go on trips, where drone flight is allowed (which is quite restricted). But I expect I’ll mostly use it to take aerial photos of our homestead.
So you can expect more posts like this one over time. Let’s take off, starting with a top-down view of our fenced veggie garden and berry cage:

From a lower angle:

The old chicken run (you can see some chickens by the hole in the fence between the veggie garden and their run; I don’t think they were fans of the strange noisy bird hovering above; it sounds like an angry swarm of bees):

Turning a little to the right, the new chicken run and coop:

Top-down to both chicken runs:

The pond:

Another shot of the pond, with the pond deck in the foreground, and duck house on the right:

Another angle of the pond:

Flowerbeds on the left, back lawn on the right, pond in the background:

Flowerbeds, with the white and brown gazebos visible:

Flowerbeds and white gazebo:

Closer to the gazebo:

A top-down view of the flowerbeds (could be useful for planning planting):

I hope you enjoyed seeing this unusual perspective on some of the homestead. I’m sure I’ll show other angles and changing seasons in future posts. Let me know if you liked this!