Cat update for week ending April 17

Not many pictures of the cats this week, as my cameras were having issues, but some nice ones.

Firstly, two cats in the garden by the stream (which was off at the time; I just turned it on yesterday):

Two cats

Porcini on a path:


Paladin doesn’t like the pâté wet food, so I’m giving it to the ferals; they’re not as picky. Here’s Spud enjoying it:

Wet food

Porcini asleep inside the cat house:


An animated time-lapse GIF of several hours inside the house, showing her movements:


A skunk visited the house too:


Porcini is an expert at relaxing:


One more picture of her, outside this time:


Finally, Pommie oozing out of a cabin on a warm afternoon:


Cat update for week ending April 10

This week on Caturday, various feral cats, several watching me, plus a GIF of a possum at the cat house.

Comfy Porcini in the cat house:

Porcini in the cat house

Cats greeting:

Cats greeting

A GIF of a possum climbing onto the awning of the cat house (no cats home at the time):


Spud relaxing in our kitchen garden, watching me watching him from a window:



Porcini in a cabin, watching me walk past:

Porcini in a cabin

Paladout watching me refill the cat feeder:


Paladout and Porcini:

Paladout and Porcini

Porcini on a bench by the fountain garden:



And Bella watching me from under the bench:


Finally, three cats at the cabins:

Three cats at the cabins

Cat update for week ending March 27

This week marked the passing of Poppy, the mother of our other outdoor feral cats. She wasn’t a pet cat, but it’s always sad to lose a cat of any kind. We were also visited by a bobcat for the first time (or rather, the first time I’ve seen one on my cameras).

Let’s start with some pictures of Poppy before her death; here she is with Porcini (left):

Porcini and Poppy

And with Spud on the deck:

Poppy and Spud

Here’s a cams app screenshot showing four cats; one in a cabin, one in the feeder, and two in the house:

Cams screenshot of four cats

Porcini looking out the upper back door, and Poppy below:

Porcini and Poppy

Porcini and Poppy:

Porcini and Poppy

The last ever picture of Poppy, about the time she died; at least it was in the comfort of their heated house:


In the morning, Spud discovered Poppy’s body; it’s good that her offspring saw that, to help them understand that she had died, rather than just mysteriously vanished:

Discovering Poppy

Porcini also saw her:

Porcini seeing dead Poppy

Rest in peace, Poppy.

For the others, life continues. Here’s a cat in a cabin on a rainy morning, watching me walk by:

Cabin cat

Porcini outside the cabins, with Spud and Pommie inside:

Porcini, Spud, Pommie

Porcini joined Spud in the left cabin:

Porcini, Spud, Pommie

Porcini, Spud, Pommie

Porcini scratching a tree:

Porcini scratching a tree

Porcini again:


And again, watching me from a cabin:


A bobcat visited our homestead; this is the first time I’ve seen one (GIF):



Another GIF:


I wouldn’t want to encounter this suddenly:



The bobcat also checked out the cabins, with nobody home (GIF):


A still from that; so tall:


It was a busy night at the cabins; a few minutes later, a possum went into the left cabin:


Yawn, feeling sleepy:


It curled up and slept in there for a couple of hours:


The possum leaving:


A cat checks out the cabins, but decides she doesn’t want to stick around:


Good thing, since a raccoon also wanders by a few minutes later:


Finally this week, Porcini sniffing at the kitchen garden this morning (a sunny day, so bright reflections off the window):


Flock Friday for March 19

It’s Friday. You know what that means. This week, chickens enjoying wriggly treats, ducks in various places, and some brave (or foolish) birds.

Firstly, some chickens waiting for treats:

Chickens waiting for treats

Chickens waiting for treats

The treats of the day were apple peels, which are lots of fun for them — kinda like long worms, that they can grab and run off with them trailing behind:

Chickens with apple peel treats

Chickens with apple peel treats

Chickens with apple peel treats

Chickens with apple peel treats

Chickens with apple peel treats

Chickens with apple peel treats

Chickens with apple peel treats

Some ducks on the lawn, with leafy treats:

Ducks on the lawn

Ducks on the lawn

A GIF of a Steller’s jay and a scrub jay grabbing some spilled cat food in front of the cat house:


A still edition of that:


A Steller’s jay with a bit of cat food in its beak:


Taking off with the food:

Bird taking off

Ducks following me down the path to the duck house:

Ducks following me down the path

Ducks following me down the path

Ducks eating in their house:

Ducks in their house

Here’s the fountain garden area; can you see some ducks?

Ducks in the garden

A closer shot of ducks in the garden:

Ducks in the garden

Cat update for week ending February 6

Some cats definitely feature more on my weekly Caturday posts: Poppy and Porcini in particular. They just hang around more. But Spud and Pepper are up there, too. The others, Pommie, Bella, and Pansy, are more reclusive.

A GIF of Porcini wiggling (might take a moment to load):


Let’s not forget the traditional Porcini and Poppy snuggles inside their house:


Spud emerging from a cabin:


Poppy and Spud:

Poppy and Spud

Peeking at Pepper in her nest atop shelving in the shop:


A super-cute glimpse of Porcini while I was refilling bird feeders:


Poppy and Porcini in their house; Porcini investicating something on the ceiling:

Poppy and Porcini

Poppy and Porcini

Something fascinating outside (probably a bird):

Poppy and Porcini

Why share a door window when you can have your own:

Poppy and Porcini

Porcini yawning:

Poppy and Porcini

Porcini and Poppy watching me as I approach up the path:

Porcini and Poppy

Cat update for week ending January 30

The last Caturday for January… or is it March 335, 2020? What is time?

We start as we often do, with cute Porcini and Poppy snuggles in their cat house:


Poppy and Porcini on their deck:

Poppy and Porcini

Spud, Poppy, and Pommie at the cabins:

Spud, Poppy, Pommie

Poppy has been spending a lot of time in the cabins; here she’s in the left one, with Spud behind her, and Porcini in the right one:

Poppy (Spud behind), Porcini

Poppy returning to the cabins, with Spud and Porcini still there:

Poppy, Spud, Porcini

Spud sleeping on top of the ever-patient Poppy, and Porcini still in the other cabin:

Spud, Poppy, Porcini

Pepper watching me in the shop, while I was working on the duck island project:

Pepper in the shop

Pepper in the shop



It snowed a bit on Sunday night; here’s Porcini with a bit of snow on the cat house awning (the ground in front is fairly sheltered by trees):

Snow and Porcini

Porcini, Poppy, and Pommie at the cabins again:

Porcini, Poppy, Pommie

Spud arrived too:

Spud, Poppy, Porcini, Pommie

A glimpse of Poppy and Porcini in the cabins while I walk up the path to the bird box (visible on the left). This picture is useful for context, too — our main deck and gazebo is above the cat cabins, with the bird feeders off to the right:

Poppy and Porcini

Porcini leaving:

Porcini leaving

Poppy thought about leaving as I got closer:


But returned to the cabin and watched me cautiously while I refilled the bird feeders:


As a feral cat, she’s cautious of all humans, but I think she recognizes me as not a threat.

Another busy day at the cabins, with Spud & Poppy in the left one, Pommie between them, and Porcini in the right one:

Four cats

That evening, a little more snow, and two cats:

Snow and cats

Pansy trying out a different chair in the back of the shop:

Pansy in the shop

Spud starting to throw up:

Spud yawp

A possum was happy to clean up the mess (time-lapse GIF), supervised by Pommie:

Possum and cat GIF

Spud was fine, he just ate a mouse or something that didn’t sit well. Here he is in the breezeway this morning:

Spud in the breezeway

Flock Friday for January 29

It’s Friday again. Today, a bunch of pictures of hummingbirds, chickens, and ducks. I know, very surprising for a Flock Friday post.

As mentioned on my personal blog, the hummingbird feeder was starting to freeze overnight, so I added my hacky heater. The heater comes on when the temperature gets down to 35° F, and goes off when above 45° F, via a thermostatically controlled outlet:

Thermostatic controller

The heating pad gets quite hot, enough to melt the ice, but too hot for the plastic base of the feeder, so it hangs a bit below via some paperclips:

Hummingbird feeder heater

Here’s a closer view of the feeder and heating pad:

Hummingbird feeder heater

The first customer approaches:



A couple of hummingbirds:






A cam shot of the ducks on a snowy morning:


Did you see the snowy aerial photos? Here’s one picture of the pond and ducks that I didn’t include there; check out that post for more:

Aerial ducks

Snowy ducks:



A couple more pictures of hummingbirds, with at least 15 visible on the two closest feeders:


A closer look at the hummingbirds on the house feeder:


A bunch of pictures of the chickens, with new pumpkin and apple treats (and the older pumpkin shells slowly dissolving):






The ducks on the back lawn:








A GIF of ducks going after mealworm treats while it’s snowing:


A couple more pictures of ducks:



We still haven’t decided on a name for that Silver Swedish male duck formerly known as Sassa; options include Stefan, Silvan, Sigfrid, Sigge, and Silvester; what do you think? I rather like Stefan, though am tempted by Sigfrid in honor of Siegfried from the All Creatures Great and Small TV series we’re enjoying at present.

Cat update for week ending January 9

A pleasant Caturday to you.

The twins by the cabins:

Two cats by cabins

A zoomed photo of the cat house, with three cats visible — one on the awning, one inside the house, and a third on the deck. Quite likely one in the feeder too:

Cat house with 3 cats

A screenshot of my cams app, showing five cats — one in the feeder, one in a cabin, and three in the house:

5 cats

A time-lapse GIF of a raccoon encounter — a raccoon approached the cabins when Pommie was in there, then went behind them. She retreated, and the raccoon came between the cabins:

Raccoon and cat

Raccoon and cat:

Raccoon and cat

Porcini scratching while looking in the direction of the camera:

Porcini scratching

Porcini by the heated water dish:


Poppy under our main deck while I refilled the bird feeders:


Two cats in the evening:

Two cats

Spud and Pommie starting to retreat when I’m approaching to refill the bird feeders:

Spud and Pommie when I'm approaching

Pommie wonders if the coast is clear after I’ve gone:


Four cats:

Four cats

A GIF of Porcini licking and snuggling with her mother, Poppy:


Porcini and Poppy snuggles:

Porcini and Poppy snuggles

Spud in the breezeway:

Spud in the breezeway

Spud in the kitchen garden, watching me:

Spud in the kitchen garden

A GIF of Porcini scratching the tree by the cat house, while another eats, and a third approaches in the background:

Scratching tree

Four cats (one barely visible in the feeder):

4 cats

Three cats enjoying the heating pads on a sub-freezing morning today:

Three cats

Poppy and Bella on a frosty morning today:

Poppy and Bella

Cat update for week ending January 2

Welcome to the first Caturday of 2021! Mostly with pictures from 2020, of course.

Here’s Bella about to jump onto the camera housing:

Bella about to jump onto camera housing

Bella about to jump onto camera housing

Spud and Porcini in the cabins; unusual for her to be there:

Spud and Porcini

Porcini and Poppy:

Porcini and Poppy





Wide eyes:

Wide eyes

Oh hi:

Oh hi

Porcini looking out the back door:

Porcini looking out the back door

Mirrored cabin cats:

Cabin cats

Porcini and Poppy snuggling:

Porcini and Poppy

Porcini and Poppy

Three cats:

Three cats

GIF of a possum approaching the cabins, being startled by Pommie, and retreating:

GIF of possum and cat

Three cats inside their house:

Three cats

Cabin cats (the twins, Spud and Pommie) looking concerned by heavy rain:

Cabin cats

Comfy cabin cats:

Cabin cats

Super-relaxed Porcini:
