As any good calendar will tell you, the day after Flock Friday is inevitably Caturday. Weird how a day of the week is named after cats, but they were treated as gods in ancient times, so who am I to argue?! Makes as much sense as naming a day after a ball of gas.
Anyway… here’s Porcini:


Two cats inside:

Comfy Poppy:


Spud jumping up to the breezeway cabin:

Porcini relaxing in the kitchen garden:

A closer look:

A few minutes later, I wanted to go out to close up the duck house, and Porcini was sitting outside the door:

(I cracked the door, and she retreated.)
Spud emerging from the breezeway cabin:

An animated GIF of Spud stretching and heading off to work:

I put a spare camera in the back of the shop to watch Pansy’s food and litter boxes; this is when she first saw it:


Bella chilling:

Pommie, Poppa, Poppy, and Bella (left-to-right) by the cat house:

Pommie, Poppa, Bella, Poppy; Poppa was feeling a bit ganged up upon, but the girls were just saying hi; I continue to be amazed how well they get on with him:

Queue for food:

A GIF of that time, with Bella, joined by Poppa, then Poppy, and Pommie:

Pansy waiting for her dinner on the white bed in the center of the picture:

Food dispensing, she pops up:

And comes to eat it:

Finally, Bella and Spud hanging out in the kitchen garden (with some reflections from the window):