Sound on! Listen to Bert’s raspy quack in the first half of the video, and the ducklings peeping in the second half.
Building a three-bin turning compost system
Over the weekend I built a three-bin composting system.
Unlike my usual projects, this time I (mostly) followed someone else’s design, specifically one I found from the University of Missouri Extension.
The idea of the three-bin system is that you add compostable materials to one bin, then when that’s full you transfer the material to the next bin, then later to the third bin. Each time it is transferred, it gets turned over, and each successive bin has hotter microbial activity, breaking down the material more and more.
We already had a three-bin system with plastic bins, but they were overflowing, and not used properly, being harder to access:
So I wanted to build new larger bins, using a design that is easier to access.
To start, I made four frames out of treated wood (check out the design above for dimensions and such if you want to build this yourself):
Then added hardware cloth on the frames:
The frames were arranged and connected by a couple of 9’ treated boards; these will be on the bottom:
A similar connector on the top:
Hardware cloth on the back:
Runners on the front:
Creating a pair of slots for each bin:
Which are filled with slats; these can be easily removed to access the compost:
Lid frame (different than their design):
Hardware cloth on the lids:
Once complete, I transported it from the workshop on a hand cart:
Roughly placed near the old bins:
In position; I decided to keep the old compost bins for extra capacity, since there’s plenty of space:
I shoveled the overflow from in front of the old bins into the center bin (since it is already partially composted). I’ll add new material in the right-hand new bin (being closer to the chicken coop):
New and old:
Bert enjoyed investigating where the overflow pile was:
I added hinges (I didn’t add them in the shop to leave the lids off to reduce the transport weight):
Again, I can’t take any credit for this design, but I think these will work very well, and give us plenty of room for composting.
Ducklings day 6
Today, Bert and the ducklings saw each other.
But first, some cam shots; last night, a duckling went on the EcoGlow again (probably the same one, showing an adventurous personality):
Ducklings sleeping:
Ducklings drinking:
The usual opening shot of the ducklings; time to add more bedding tomorrow, I think:
A closer look:
I opened the bottom portion of the door, so Bert and the ducklings could see each other:
They retreated at first, then came back out. Bert was good, just standing in the doorway; I was ready to stop him from going inside, but he didn’t try:
He turned his head to look at them from his other eye:
(Fun fact for today: ducks can be literally half-asleep: one eye closed and that side of the brain asleep, the other eye open and that side awake.)
A wide-angle shot of Bert and the ducklings after I closed the bottom of the door:
The ducklings settled down again:
I also recorded a video of Bert quacking and the ducklings peeping, which I’ll probably upload tomorrow. Something to look forward to!
Bert visiting the chickens
Bert the duck checking out the chickens in their run.
Ducklings day 5
Today in the duck house, I captured some interesting EcoGlow interactions, plus added some straw bedding.
Here’s a shot from the duck house cam showing the ducklings actually using the EcoGlow heater for a substantial amount of time; the first time I’ve seen that. Maybe that means it was too high before, and they’ve grown into it? The red light helps keep them more calm.
An animated GIF of a duckling drinking, going under the EcoGlow, then jumping on top of it:
A shot of the duckling on the EcoGlow:
The usual picture of the ducklings when I first opened the door this morning (the light is still red, but the sunlight coming in the open door overwhelms that):
Definitely time for some bedding. I just added a thin partial layer of straw bedding for now (the ducklings hid in the back nesting box while I added that):
Later I will add more, and in due course will remove the shelf liner layer from the floor, once they’re more steady on their feet.
The ducklings were very curious about the straw:
Afternoon visit:
Cutely watching me:
Slow-motion bees in the bee pool
We have a pool from which our bees can drink, filled with rocks for them to land on so they don’t drown. This is a slow-motion recording of bees drinking and flying above the pool.
Ducklings day 4
I didn’t spend much time with the ducklings today, as I was busy with another project (more on that another day), but I did get a few pictures during morning and afternoon rounds.
The usual first opening the door shot; the poop is building up, time to clean it out a bit and add some bedding:
On afternoon rounds; looks like the Buff has discovered the feeder tube:
Ducklings day 3
Some trauma for day 3: today we removed the leg bands from the male ducklings (the females didn’t have bands).
Here are the ducklings when I first arrived in the morning:
An animated GIF of synchronized duckling drinking:
A couple of pictures around noon, after removing their leg bands; they were feeling rather hesitant about us after that:
And some afternoon rounds pictures:
A view from a nesting box:
Still avoiding me (they’ll get over it, especially once I introduce treats):
Cat update for week ending June 6
For Caturday this week… pictures of cats! I bet you weren’t expecting that.
Three cats snuggling in their house:
One of the ferals watching from atop the bench by the small pond, as Paladout walked away:
Mirrored cabin cats:
Porcini and Poppy outside their house:
Poppy looking concerned as I approached the cat house; she settled down again after I passed by:
Paladout sitting on the edge of the pond:
A closer look:
Another day, Paladout again:
Watching birds from a cabin:
Porcini watching me as I walked past her cabin:
Three cats inside:
Three cats arriving for breakfast:
Poppy on a path, watching me walk past:
Cute snuggles inside the cat house:
Ducklings day 2
Welcome to day two of the ducklings. They’ve settled into their routine: eat, drink, poop, scamper, sleep, and grow. That’s the life of a duckling, at least for the first couple of weeks.
Here they are when I first opened the top of the maintenance door; lots more poop than yesterday!
I built the aforementioned doors with a handy design with four doors, where I can open just one for a quick peek, the top two to let me access inside without the ducklings getting out, the left two if I need to get inside quickly, or all four for full access.
Here you can see the top two doors open, and the bottom two closed, with a glimpse of the ducklings and Bert:
I moved the EcoGlow out of the nesting box, since they didn’t seem to want to go under it in there. We’ll see if this place is any better:
They did go under it, though not for long:
Eating and drinking:
We’ll remove the leg bands in the next day or two. Those indicate the breeds and sexes of the ducklings. So in the meantime, I want to determine markings so I can identify them. The Buff female is of course obvious, being unique. The Blue Swedish ones are fairly distinct: those are the ones with light gray backs and yellow chests. The one with the red band is the male; I notice he has a more yellow chest and foot, too:
The Buff under the EcoGlow:
A disappointment is that we ended up with two male Rouen ducklings, as seen here; notice they both have green bands on their right legs, indicating they are both male. We had wanted one of each sex. Not sure if we’ll try to get a couple females to balance that, or live with it:
Another shot showing the Blue Swedish in the center of the picture, female on the left, male on the right:
Checking out a nesting box:
A male Khaki Campbell:
The male Khaki Campbell on the left, the female on the right (plus the Buff shaking her head); telling the former two apart is a bit trickier; I haven’t noticed obvious differences yet. I’ll have to take a closer look at them:
The two Blue Swedish again:
More pics again tomorrow!