This week on Flock Friday, replacing the chicken run roof netting, and a bunch of pictures of ducks, chickens, and fish.
The new chicken run is fully enclosed. When I originally built it, I used lightweight netting on the roof, but it tended to collapse under the weight of snow. I had a plan to replace it with welded wire fencing, though that would have been difficult and expensive. Then a comment on the blog inspired me to use knotted rope netting instead, which I did last weekend. A 25×50’ roll of 2”-spaced knotted rope netting was perfect to cover the run:
Hopefully that’ll cope with snow much better. We’ll see next winter!
On to the usual pictures. Here are the ducks coming to greet me next to the old chicken coop:
And looking to my right, the chickens waiting for me too:
Lola (the introverted chicken) has been feeling broody in the new coop of late:
Standing at the back of the pond, looking through the tree branches towards the duck house and deck. You can see the ducks below the deck:
A koi in the corner of the pond:
The ducks coming to greet me on another day:
Did you see the video of them quacking at me?
The pop door on the duck house has been having issues over the last few days, not closing at night. Here’s me replacing the batteries in the door opener:
Ducks and fish:
A chicken on the roosts above the nesting boxes in the new coop:
A bunch of chickens waiting for their mealworms:
That isn’t where eggs are supposed to be laid:
Eating in the duck house:
The duck house pop door opening, and a duck going in before it fully opens: