This week for Caturday, a couple of GIFs with Poppa and Bella, and the usual assortment of cat pics.
Paladout is watched from the cat house:
Poppy and Pommie:
The mushroom girls, Bella and Porcini:
Poppa, with Porcini in the background:
An animated GIF of Poppa drinking, with Porcini approaching from the back, then Bella rushes up, chasing Poppa:
Another GIF from a few minutes later; Bella was having a bath, Poppa started to get comfortable, and Bella didn’t allow that:
She seems to have a bit of a problem with him; they don’t fight, she just appears to want to put him in his place.
Porcini relaxing on their deck:
Pommie in front of the cabins:
Pommie watching me from behind the cabins:
Costco deliveries:
Three cats:
Poppa and Pommie sniffing noses:
Pepper in her nest on the shelves in the front of the shop:
Three cats:
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