The usual assortment of cat house and cabin pictures, plus some live sightings. And a summary GIF, since people seem to enjoy that.
Pretzel cat inside the cat house:
While fixing a broken tap in the flowerbeds, I spotted a cat next to the cat house:
Porcini again:
What a shock, it’s Porcini being cute again:
While spending time with the ducks, I spotted a cat across the pond:
Breakfast queue:
Pommie at the cabins:
Porcini and Pommie:
Porcini hunting for rodents on a tree trunk:
And in the field (which is more of a meadow nowadays):
Pepper in the shop:
Pommie and Poppa:
Finally, a GIF summary of 46 pictures taken this week. I think this one works even better than usual, since I often capture several sequential pictures:
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