Some interesting developments in this week’s Caturday summary.
Once again, it was tough narrowing down the 162 photos to just 27 in this post. I’ve omitted a lot of pics similar to ones seen many times before, but here’s an entertaining example, of a cat in the cat house, another in the feeder, and a third stretching on the tree:

Porcini in the middle of the mostly empty fountain:

A couple of cats on the bench by the field:

The twins by the small pond:

Cats by the bench again:

Pumpkin inside the cat house, and two others by the feeder:

Since Pumpkin has been hogging the cat house most nights, I felt bad for our ferals, with the temperatures below freezing overnight. So I decided to put the old shelter back in the garden below our deck. Similar to the cat house, it includes a heating pad to keep it toasty:

Here’s a closer view; I also moved the Mobile cam from the pond to watch this shelter; you can see it in the bottom-left corner:

While I spent all that time and money building the cat house, with room for all of the cats, they are ferals; the great outdoors is their home. And especially with Pumpkin moving in, having a second heated shelter available is a good thing.
This old shelter is a “multi-kitty A-frame”, which I think of as the cat cabin, to distinguish it from the cat house — a smaller second home for them. Check out my old post from when I first got it, or for more of the history, see the summary of the cat house project.
It didn’t take them long to investicat it. Here’s a cat approaching the back of the cabin:

Pommie inside the cabin shelter, Porcini outside:

Another two:

Two cats snuggling in the cabin:

Two cats in the cabin, one outside:

Screenshot of cat cams, showing two cats in the cabin, and Pumpkin in the house:

As mentioned on the Dejus blog, since it’s below freezing at night, I added heated water dishes for the cats and other animals, to provide non-frozen water. The dish only comes on when the temperature is in the freezing range, and only warms it enough to keep it liquid:

Spud on the front steps:

Porcini in the cat cabin:

Two snuggled in the cabin:

Pumpkin investigating the cabin with Pommie inside:

He was not welcome:

And quickly departed:

Pumpkin and Paladout had an encounter in the feeder; Pumpkin just wanted to eat, but Paladout didn’t want to share. So it went the same as usual: Pumpkin eventually gave up and went into the house, Paladout was able to finish and leave, then Pumpkin came back to eat:

An alien invader! No, just Pumpkin; he’s practically family at this point:

Fuzzy paws:

Porcini having a good stretch on the way out of the cabin:

One of the twins drinking from the heated bowl, when Pumpkin arrived; he waited for the twin to depart. They’re slowly getting used to each other:

Finally, Pansy eating from the food dispenser in the front of shop. She lives in the back, and rarely visits the front, but has figured out that she can get more food there: