Cat update for week ending October 31

Spooooky Halloween Caturday to one and all! This week, we were visited by scary raccoon monsters, and the scariest of all creatures, a skunk.

But fear not, much cuteness was also observed.

Such as three cats in the cat house, two in a pile:

Three cats

A short GIF of a sun dappled Porcini:

Porcini GIF

And you thought a pile of two cats was cute… see if you can handle three:

Cat pile GIF

Four cats

Three cats on the edge of the field:

Three cats

I took this picture of an old iPad stand to see if it’d work for modern ones (it won’t; designed for the original only), and incidentally got a picture of Pepper in the shop, looking rather concerned at my approaching so close:

Pepper in the shop

Here’s Pansy in the back of the shop, in the center of the picture, waiting for her food to dispense:

Pansy in the shop

Since it was below freezing earlier this week, I hooked up the cats’ heated water dish. When the temperature is below freezing, it gets just warm enough to keep the water liquid (I then discontinued the other waterer, filled with leaves here):

Heated water dish

Three cats outside… or maybe four; I think one is behind the shrub:

Three cats

A family of raccoons visited the cat house, including going inside; fortunately no cats home at the time:

Raccoon GIF

An app screenshot showing raccoons on the awning and inside the feeder:


Close-up of a raccoon inside:


Later that night, a skunk also explored inside:


The scent of those visitors didn’t scare off the cats, fortunately (must be a bug on the ceiling):

Three cats

More snuggles:

Three cats

Spud and Pommie in the cabins (Spud on the left):

Spud and Pommie

Spud and Pommie

A screenshot of Spud and Pommie in the cabins, Poppy in the house, and a very damp Paladout in the feeder:

Four cats

Three cats in the house this morning:

Three cats

Finally, the usual summary GIF of 74 photos this week:

Summary GIF

Cat update for week ending October 17

A skunk, possum, and raccoon visited the cats, plus several in-person sightings of cats, and much cuteness and snuggles. It’s Caturday!

I think this is the first time I’ve seen a skunk visit the cat house. While watching it, I was fervently hoping that nothing would startle it; I’d never get that stink out:


A couple of hours later, a possum also visited:


Porcini and Pommie at the cabins:

Cabin cats

An in-person sighting of Porcini when refilling the bird feeders:


I put an Eero Wi-Fi router back in the breezeway, so am now able to access that camera again. Without it, I can’t get that cam to load. Here’s Spud; he spends pretty much every night in that cabin:



Porcini and Pommie again:

Cabin cats

Three cats:

Three cats

Two cats inside the cat house. I had a spiel last time about the SD card for the cat house cam not working, but a few days later it started working again. So no need to replace it after all:

Two cats

A screenshot of my cam viewing app, showing a cat in the cabins and two in the house:

Screenshot of cams

Another screenshot, showing a cat outside the cabins, one in the house, and a possum in the feeder:

Screenshot of cams

A raccoon invading the house; fortunately nobody was home at the time:


Here’s a sped-up GIF:

Raccoon GIF

That sort of invasion worries me, as if a cat were on the top level when a raccoon came in, it’d be trapped, since the front and back doors are on the lower level. So, I have bought another cat door, the same as downstairs, and plan to install it in the middle of the back wall, probably on Wednesday, weather permitting (Sunday and Wednesday are my weekend days, but tomorrow looks like it’ll be rainy). Hopefully the cats don’t get upset at me modifying their house.

Poppy and Poppa:

Poppy and Poppa

Poppy wanted breakfast, so went around Poppa; he just sat there, without reacting. I’m glad he behaves nicely with our ferals:

Poppy and Poppa

Cat snuggles:

Cat snuggles

Cat snuggles

A raccoon approached the cabin where Pommie was sleeping; she was alert, but didn’t move, and the raccoon retreated. Phew:

Raccoon and cat

A live sighting of Porcini sitting on an overturned bench, and Pommie drinking from the stream, with the cat house in the background:

Two cats

A GIF of Spud running into the breezeway and up to the cabin:

Breezeway GIF

I spotted Porcini in the kitchen garden (and she spotted me):


I also saw her on the bench by the fountain garden:


More cute snuggles:

Cat snuggles

Here’s a GIF of Porcini stretching, licking, and snuggling with Poppy:

Snuggle GIF

A shorter, more smooth variation; can you stand the cuteness?!

Snuggle GIF

Finally, a summary GIF of this week’s 87 photos; lots more great shots not included above, including cameos of Rory and me:

Summary GIF

Flock Friday for October 16

Some hummingbirds, ducks, chickens, a jay, and even a cat. Plus some sad news. It’s Flock Friday.

Seven hungry hummingbirds on a rainy day:


Did you see the slow motion video of the hummingbirds?

A time-lapse animated GIF of ducks having breakfast:

Duck breakfast GIF

Ducks on the edge of the lawn:


Sassa standing tall and stretching her wings:


Ducks on the lawn; I love Rémy’s green head:


On the lawn:


A wide-angle shot of the ducks, with the brown gazebo and two chicken coops in the background:

Wide angle ducks

Sassa flapping her wings again:


A cheeky Steller’s Jay in the duck house:

Steller's Jay

Ducks in the pond:



Concluding my recent saga on the ChickenGuard pop door opener for the new chicken coop, I bought and installed a replacement unit, so it now works reliably, at last. While this has been quite a hassle, I’m very pleased with the customer service of the manufacturer — they were very responsive in trying to help, and even sent a front panel (with electronics) and another motor, at no charge, even after I told them I replaced it, so I’d have a spare:

New ChickenGuard opener

Speaking of the chickens, here are some pictures of damp and scraggly chickens, still going through their annual molting:







Merida in a nesting box:

Chicken in nesting box

Back to the ducks; you may have seen some of these on my personal blog:



Clara showing off her wing:


Ducks on the lawn:


Sven stretching:


Heading back to the pond:


I mentioned sad news… it’s Sven. I discovered him floating dead at the back of the pond yesterday morning. Looking at my cam footage, it looks like he died on Wednesday. No sign of injury or attack, so my best guess is that he may have choked on something. So now we’re down to 12 ducks; 3 male, 9 female. We have that many to allow for attrition, but it still makes us sad when we lose one.

Think seven hummingbirds was a lot? How about ten:


A GIF from that Live Photo; can you spot all ten?

Hummingbirds GIF

I moved one of the cameras in the new coop:

Coop cam

Did you see the time-lapse of a day in the coop from that vantage point?

Ducks in the rain:


Paladout investicated the duck house:

Cat in duck house

Eww, that isn’t food:

Cat in duck house

The ducks were very curious too:

Cat in duck house

Finally, a summary GIF of 116 photos from this week (excluding the GIFs and a few others). Including as a link instead of embedding, since it’s fairly large.

Cat update for week ending August 29

Welcome to Caturday! Cuteness! Paladin! Raccoons! Levitating cat! A random GIF! And more!

Dinner queue:

Dinner queue



Pommie in her favorite place:


Pommie and Bella at the cat feeder:

Pommie and Bella

Paladin watches Bella on the driveway:

Paladin watches Bella on the driveway

Bella is curious, and approached:

Bella is curious

Paladin and Bella curiously watching each other:

Paladin watches Bella

A closer look at Bella:


Pommie was comfy in her cabin, then raccoons approached; she hissed at them:

Pommie hissing at raccoons

The raccoons circled around behind, and Pommie wisely retreated; you can see raccoon eyes between the cabins:

Pommie retreating from raccoons

There was a mother and at least one kit:


Pommie was happy to go back later, though:


On a hot day, Pepper on her non-heated bed on top of shelves in the shop (there’s a heating pad on the nearby blue bed for cold days):

Pepper in the shop

Spud thought he heard something in the breezeway:


Spud in his cabin:


Bella walking through the breezeway while Spud is sleeping in late:

Bella and Spud

Levitating cat! A frame of mid-run through the breezeway:

Running cat





Sparkletime — a GIF of the dappled sun through the trees by the cat house, which makes it very hard to spot cat activity when reviewing recordings around midday, as the camera is pretty much constantly registering motion (it does look nice, though):


Flock Friday for August 21

For Flock Friday this week, more sad news, I’m afraid. One of the two Rouen ducks went missing on Sunday night. I don’t know what happened to him — I saw him on Sunday, and haven’t seen him since, not even a body or signs of a struggle. So if a raccoon or something grabbed him, it must have dragged him somewhere else.

Anyway, on with the pictures. Here are the ducks messily eating, with one of the Rouens in the foreground:

Ducks eating

Ducks eating

Ducks by the duck house, and (not really visible) ducklings inside:

Ducks by duck house

A GIF of one of the Rouens exiting the pond:

GIF of exiting pond

Splashing to cool off on a hot day:

Splashing to cool off

It was very hot (mid-90’s) over the weekend, so we gave the chickens a frozen treat of corn and peas to help them cool off:

Chickens with frozen treats

Chickens with frozen treats

Chickens with frozen treats

Chickens with frozen treats

Ducks eating again:

Ducks eating

Camilla snuck into the veggie garden when I opened the gate:

Chicken in the veggie garden

Chicken in the veggie garden

Ducks with treats; the last photo of both Rouens:

Ducks with treats

On Sunday, the chickens with another frozen treat:

Chickens with frozen treats

Chickens with frozen treats

Looking at the pond cam, 8 ducks visible on Sunday evening:

8 ducks

The next morning, only 7 ducks; I couldn’t see any evidence of what happened to the second Rouen:

7 ducks

We had two names for the Rouens, Rémy and Raoul, but hadn’t decided on which was which. But now that we only have one, his name is Rémy. RIP Raoul.

Seven ducks eating:

Ducks eating

I went to the feed store for more duckling food. I’m well stocked now; a couple of spare bags of duckling food (the red ones at the back), plus many bags of chicken food, fish food, and mealworms, in the storage area of the new chicken coop (I might need to add another shelf):

Duck and chicken food

Sleepy ducks:

Sleepy ducks

Night ducks:

Night ducks

Ducks on the bank:

Ducks on the bank

This morning, a visit by a blue heron:

Heron and ducks

Heron and ducks

Cat update for week ending August 15

This week on Caturday, a bit of danger with raccoons, that fortunately was uneventful, and various other cat pics.

Two cats relaxing in the shade under the bushes on the left, while one drinks:

Two cats relaxing in the shade, one drinking

Cats eating and drinking:

Cats eating and drinking

Silhouette of a cat jumping down from the breezeway cabin:

Silhouette of cat jumping down from the breezeway cabin

Silhouette of cat jumping down from the breezeway cabin

Scratching a tree:

Cat scratching tree

A cat about to jump down over another inside their house:

Cat about to jump down inside

Three comfy cats inside their house:

Three cats inside

Three cats inside

A family of raccoons visited the cat house (no leftover food for them):


Two cats were inside the house at the time, which could have been rather bad if a raccoon had gone inside the house, but fortunately none did:

Cats inside with raccoons outside

The cat house has a back door for escape, but a design flaw was that there is no emergency exit from the upper level. (There are several things I’d do differently if redesigning the cat house, most around better protecting from raccoons.)

If a raccoon had, the cats probably would have been okay; they can defend themselves very well, and could defend the high place against a raccoon, but there would be some risk. I’m glad that didn’t happen.

Finally, three happy cat loaves:

Cat loaves

Cat update for week ending August 1

As is usual for warm weather, the feral cats haven’t been hanging around as much in the last week, so I only had 16 photos from which to choose; perhaps a new low for me. I picked 10.

Poppy and Porcini inside their house:

Two cats inside

Porcini and Pommie outside:

Porcini and Pommie

A mother and two young raccoons looking at the cabins (no cats were home):


One of the twins in the breezeway cabin just before dawn:


Waiting for breakfast:

Waiting for breakfast

Breakfast dispensing:

Breakfast dispensing

I startled Porcini when walking on the path near the cat house (her mouth is open licking her lips after eating, not reacting to me):


She retreated to behind the cat house (lots of lens flare at that time of day):


Two on the deck:

Two on the deck

Pepper in the shop:

Pepper in the shop

Flock Friday for July 31

Some sad news this Flock Friday: a raccoon got into one of our chicken coops, and killed two of our chickens. (Don’t worry, there are no graphic pictures in this post.)

I’ve had some issues with a couple of the pop door openers recently, where they sometimes don’t open or close. I wasn’t too concerned about the one on the new chicken coop, as the run is fully enclosed, even with netting on the roof; just a small opening into the old run. I’m not sure if the raccoon got in via that hole, or over the fence and through some small gap in the roof netting, but it did.

When I did my morning rounds on Monday, I saw a dead chicken in the run: Lola, the introverted chicken (a Blue Cochin). Looking around, I saw a second dead chicken elsewhere in the run: Tilly (a Double-Laced Barnevelder).

Reviewing the cam footage, I saw the raccoon in the coop shortly after midnight on Monday:

Raccoon in chicken coop

The raccoon looked at the seven chickens roosting on top of the nesting boxes:

Raccoon in chicken coop

But went after the easy target, Lola, alone on the main roosts:

Raccoon in chicken coop

Not a nice way to go at all. I don’t know what happened with Tilly, though; I only saw the raccoon in the coop once. Perhaps she was on the outside roosts, which attracted the attention of the raccoon? Unfortunately, the run camera doesn’t record, so I couldn’t see what happened there.

I feel really bad that I hadn’t manually closed the pop door. I have been checking it each night ever since, and working with the manufacturer to diagnose its issues.

Still, it could have been much worse, if the raccoon had gone back for more.

Sorry if this sad news brings you down; it’s all part of life on the homestead, but not a pleasant aspect.

For the other chickens, life goes on. Here they are with leafy treats:

Chickens with treats

Chickens with treats

Chickens with treats

Buffy in a nesting box:

Buffy in a nesting box

As for the ducks, I’m continuing my daily duck posts for another few days, while there are frequent changes, though will probably stop sometime in the coming week, and roll the duck pictures into the Flock Friday posts from next week. Though I’m tempted to do a “daily duck” post, restricted to one picture per day, or something like that. Let me know what you think.

So for now, let’s suffice with one last picture of Bert before the new ducks joined him, stealing the koi food:

Bert with koi

More duck pictures tonight.

Ducklings day 55: more swimming

Now that the new ducks are in the pond, I don’t consider them ducklings anymore, but I’ll continue with the “ducklings day” title for now, as long as I’m doing daily posts on them. Which I really should phase out, but I’m so enjoying sharing the fun of seeing them in the pond.

Ducks in the pond

Ducks in the pond

Ducks in the pond

Ducks in the pond

An animated GIF of Betty treading water:

GIF of treading water

Betty and Bert:

Betty and Bert

Afternoon ducks:

Afternoon ducks

Flapping wings to go faster, pretty much running on the water:

Flapping wings to go faster

Actually, that’s best experienced as a GIF, too:

GIF of flapping wings to go faster

Ducks in the pond

Flapping wings:

Flapping wings

GIF of Betty diving underwater:

GIF of diving

Dragonfly and ducks:

Dragonfly and ducks


Flapping wings:

Flapping wings

Cat update for week ending July 11

For this week’s Caturday, we start with a not-cat, then a GIF of a day in the cat house, plus pictures of multiple cats in multiple places, a second GIF of Poppa and Pommie, checking on the shop cats, and finish with some nice shots of sunrise in the breezeway.

A raccoon visited the cabins; nobody was home at the time:


An animated GIF of a day in the cat house, with snuggles and other cats visiting; you may have seen the YouTube video of this timelapse:

Cat house GIF

Three cats waiting for food at the cat house:

Three cats

A rare picture of four cats inside the cat house (probably just Spud missing; no boys allowed):

Four cats

A cat walks down the breezeway, while another relaxes in the cabin:

Two cats

Poppa spent some time hanging out with Pommie:

Poppa and Pommie

Poppa and Pommie


Cabins GIF

A late departure from the breezeway cabin; sometimes it’s nice to sleep in a bit:

Breezeway cat

Checking on Pepper in the front of the shop:


And Pansy in the back of the shop:


Classic Poppy face:

Two cats

Need more lens flare! Sunrise this morning with Spud in the breezeway:

Spud in breezeway

Spud in breezeway