A couple of days ago I set up four new cameras around the homestead.
Two were for the chickens. We have two coops, each with a run (that are separated by a fence, but with an open hole so the chickens can go between them, for now). The old coop had an old low-quality camera mounted in the ceiling, and the old run didn’t have a camera at all.
So I replaced the old coop camera with a new one, mounted on the wall for a better angle. This camera has a wide field of vision, about 100°, so can see most of the coop:

Here it is in context on the wall behind the door. The coop is very cobwebby!

This is me looking at the camera viewing app on my phone, to check the position during installation:

And here’s the view from the camera once the angle was tweaked:

Another example, with a bunch of chickens roosting:

As evening sets in, most of the chickens roost in the new coop, but a few roost in the old one:

The chicken pop door automatically closes after dark:

As mentioned, I also added a camera in the old run. Here you can see the old camera for the new run on the left, and the new camera for the old run on the right (confused?!):

Here’s an example of the view from this camera, showing the old coop:

A screenshot of the camera app, showing all four chicken cams. I like how the two run cams line up to a panoramic view of both runs (with a little overlap):

I also set up two cameras to watch the (future) ducks. Here, I’m installing the outdoor camera to watch the pond. I have the camera running so I can check the position:

Here’s the pond cam, mounted on the pond deck:

The view from the pond cam; it can see most of the pond:

Finally, I also set up an indoor cam for the duck house, though since I’m still building that, in the meantime I’ve placed it to watch Pepper’s bed in the front of the shop:

(I’ll have a few more pictures from that cam in tomorrow’s Caturday post; stay tuned for that!)