For Flock Friday this week, a bunch of pictures of our adult duck Bert, and a few chicken pictures.
Bert and Betty drinking water drained from the duck house:
Bert with the ducklings, when I first added the kiddie pool (remember that?):
Bert by my feet:
Bert by the duckling run, from across the pond:
Bert on the island:
Bert with ducklings on another day:
Bert on the island from the pond cam:
We gave the chickens some tasty slugs as treats, though they ignored them, at least while we were watching. Here’s Domino:
Sometimes an egg gets broken in a nesting box, which makes other eggs dirty. When we have plentiful eggs as now, I just toss the dirty ones, rather than laboriously clean them:
With warm weather in summer, I have the chicken coop windows open:
Some chickens visible on the roost above the nesting boxes:
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