A big Flock Friday today, with 33 photos of ducks and chickens, plus a GIF with those and 31 more at the end, as if 33 weren’t enough. But I took lots of nice shots of the ducks, so wanted to share them.
Firstly, via the pond cam from while we were evacuated, a wild duck visitor:
Our ducks with the wild duck visitor (left); much smaller than ours:
The ducks discovered the other upturned pot islands in the pond:
Ducks eating:
When we got home from our evacuation, I collected eggs. Several under broody Martha:
And a bunch in another box:
That would be about one day’s worth in the peak of summer, but they are slowing down for fall, so are from several days. Currently they’re down to about 5 eggs per day.
Chickens waiting for treats:
Yay, rice treats:
We let them into the veggie garden while evacuated (after our mid-evac visit), and they denuded the kale, except for the high leaves out of their reach, though left most of the pumpkins and tomatoes:
I’ve continued to have issues with the ChickenGuard pop door opener on the new chicken coop:
So have had to go out to the coop each night to manually close the door. Here are the four chickens that prefer the new coop at night:
From outside (on another night):
Back to the ducks, with a bunch of pictures; the males are putting on their colorful feathers now, so they’ve changed a bit since you last saw them:
GIF of ducks during a rainy night:
Betty has been hanging out in the grasses, maybe thinking of nesting, though a bit young for that:
Here’s a GIF summary of 64 photos from this week, including the above and a bunch more: