More ducklings day 3

The ducklings are all doing fine today, so enjoy the happy cuteness.

The Blue Swedish duckling under the EcoGlow, and others gathered near the waterer:

Blue Swedish under EcoGlow

In the corner:

In the corner

Drinking and eating:

Drinking and eating

The Blue Swedish and a Rouen look like they’re hugging while watching me:

They look like they're hugging

Eating and watching me:


I caught a Live Photo of a Rouen jumping off the EcoGlow; here is a GIF that:

GIF of jumping off the EcoGlow

Droplets of water on ducklings; they can’t help getting water everywhere:

Droplets of water on duckling

In a nesting box:

In a nesting box

Flock Friday for August 14

As with the previous batch, I will post separately about the newest ducklings. These Flock Friday posts will include the older ducks and chickens.

Before I closed up the duck house for the new ducklings, the older ducks had only been going in their house to eat:

Ducks in their house

Down the ramp:

Down the ramp

They are now being fed in this temporary food dish; they’ll have access to the house feeder again once the new ducklings are grown:

Duck food dish

Ducks on the pond:

Ducks on the pond

Chickens heading to bed:

Chickens heading to bed

Chickens heading to bed

Ducks on the pond again:

Ducks on the pond

And on the pond bank:

Ducks on the pond bank

GIF of a Rouen flapping his wings:

GIF of duck flapping wings

Sleeping on the pond:

Sleeping on the pond

And sleeping on the pond bank:

Ducks on the pond bank

Chickens with treats:

Chickens with treats

Chickens with treats



Stealing lettuce I’m holding for the ducks, while I’m crouched to take pictures:

Stealing treats from me

Duck treats:

Duck treats

Under the shade:


Ducks eating from the temporary food dish:

Ducks eating

Ducks eating

And some food scattered on the ground:

Ducks eating

GIF of ducks eating:

GIF of ducks eating

Submarine duck:

Submarine duck

Flock Friday for August 7

Welcome to the first Flock Friday with the new ducks. Plus chicken pictures, of course.

As you probably saw in the previous post, we have ordered seven more ducklings, all female this time, to address the gender imbalance of the ducks. They will probably arrive around Thursday next week, so I will resume the daily duckling posts with them at that time, and will feature the older ducks in the Flock Friday posts going forward.

Again, you can read all of the previous duckling posts from the beginning via the “ducklings 2020” tag on this blog. And the second batch of ducklings will be tagged “ducklings 2020 again”.

On with the show; here are the chickens waiting for treats:

Chickens waiting for treats

Chickens waiting for treats

Chickens with rice treats:

Chickens with rice treats

Chickens with rice treats

An animated GIF of Sven and Betty on the ramp from the duck house, Bert flying into the pond to chase Sven, then Betty emulating and distracting him:

GIF of ducks

Some still images from that:

Ducks on the ramp

Bert flying into pond

Betty flying from ramp to pond

Duck treats:

Duck treats

Bert, Betty, Raoul, Rémy, and Sven:


Sonja, Sven, and Clyde:


Ducks eating in the duck house:

Ducks in duck house

Ducks in duck house

The non-Buffs hanging out on the pond edge:


A GIF of Sven hesitantly sliding down the rock slide:

Duck slide GIF

Duck slide

Duck slide

On morning rounds today, Flo snuck through the gate from the chicken run into the veggie garden; she quickly realized the error of her ways, and I got her back through the gate after a minute:

Chicken in veggie garden

Ducks eating in the duck house again:

Ducks in duck house

Ducks in duck house

Enjoy that while you can, ducks — I’ll be closing up the duck house this weekend, in preparation for new ducklings. I’ll feed the older ducks from a dish next to the pond. More on that another day. Stay tuned for the exciting bonus season of duck TV!

Ducklings day 63: lonely Sven

Did you see the video of Cora sliding into the pond? That was taken by Jenn, and was rather amusing. Based on the track down the rock, they seem to use that route a lot, which isn’t surprising, since it’s near one of their favorite hangout spots.

From this morning, some ducks in the pond:

Ducks in the pond

A Rouen rising up out of the water:

A Rouen rising up out of the water

Here’s a GIF of that; also rather funny, like riding a unicycle:

GIF of a Rouen rising up out of the water

Over in the deep end, with poor Sven hiding amongst the grasses on the edge:

Ducks in the pond

He doesn’t get to hang out with the others when Bert is on the case:

Ducks in the pond

Bert chasing Sven back to the edge:

Bert chasing Sven

Sven separated again:

Ducks in the pond

Lonely Sven:


Ducklings day 61: Bert vs Sven

As mentioned yesterday, Bert really doesn’t like Sven. I don’t know what his problem is, but he keeps chasing Sven.

First, some glowy Rouens:

Glowy Rouens

Looking at them from across the pond:

From across the pond

Resting in the duck house; that’s Sven on the left at the back, and Betty next to him:

Resting in duck house

Sven with a Rouen:

Resting in duck house

Then along comes Bert:

Bert chasing Sven

And Sven quickly retreated:

Bert chasing Sven

A GIF of Bert chasing Sven across the pond:

GIF of Bert chasing Sven

A somewhat more clear picture:

Bert chasing Sven

They’re just going to have to sort that out themselves.

Ducklings day 59: mucking out the duck house

Today I mucked out the duck house.

But first, sleepy ducks:

Sleepy ducks

Approaching for treats:

Approaching for treats

Eating treats; check out those tongues!

Eating treats

Eating treats

Mucking out the duck house; it had many layers of compacted straw:

Mucking out duck house

I took several loads of dirty straw to the compost on my cart:

Dirty straw on cart

The straw added a lot of volume to the compost bin:


Empty duck house:

Empty duck house

Fresh straw:

Fresh straw

I probably won’t need to muck it out again for a while, now that they aren’t living in there anymore.

I also refilled their food, in the inverted jug at the top of the feeder tube:

Refilled food



The ducks visited the duck house to eat; here Bert and Betty seem to be comparing notes:


Bert with a dirty bill, while others eat:



An animated GIF of ducks eating:

GIF of ducks eating

Ducklings day 58: not really ducklings anymore

I still haven’t decided what to do about my duck posts; as mentioned in today’s Flock Friday, I will probably roll them into the Friday post, but am tempted to continue daily posts, perhaps with just one picture, though that doesn’t really fit the format of this blog. But hey, why decide now when I can put it off another day!

So, on with today’s pictures… starting with some night cam shots from last night; looking alert about some noise or something:

Night ducks

Some in the water:

Night ducks

Everyone swimming:

Night ducks

Morning ducks:

Morning ducks

Below the pond deck:

Ducks below pond deck

On the bank:

Ducks by pond deck

A GIF of wing-assisted jumping from the pond to the bank:

GIF of ducks by pond deck

Next to the lawn, with Bert shaking his head:

Ducks next to lawn

This afternoon, ducks on the bank enjoying mealworm treats, with Bert in the water heading for the koi food:

Ducks by pond deck

Some on the bank, some in the water:

Ducks by pond deck and in pond

Ducklings day 55: more swimming

Now that the new ducks are in the pond, I don’t consider them ducklings anymore, but I’ll continue with the “ducklings day” title for now, as long as I’m doing daily posts on them. Which I really should phase out, but I’m so enjoying sharing the fun of seeing them in the pond.

Ducks in the pond

Ducks in the pond

Ducks in the pond

Ducks in the pond

An animated GIF of Betty treading water:

GIF of treading water

Betty and Bert:

Betty and Bert

Afternoon ducks:

Afternoon ducks

Flapping wings to go faster, pretty much running on the water:

Flapping wings to go faster

Actually, that’s best experienced as a GIF, too:

GIF of flapping wings to go faster

Ducks in the pond

Flapping wings:

Flapping wings

GIF of Betty diving underwater:

GIF of diving

Dragonfly and ducks:

Dragonfly and ducks


Flapping wings:

Flapping wings

Ducklings day 52

Today is the last day before the new ducks can go free-range; I plan to open the pop door and let them go into the pond tomorrow morning.

I don’t expect them all to take that opportunity the first day, though having access to the run and pool might make them more comfortable with going into the pond than the ducklings last year, who didn’t have that advantage. I’m very glad I hacked together the run this year:

Morning ducklings

Betty on the steps:


Cora shaking off water:

Shaking off water

I wanted to compare Clive and Cora; Clive has darker wing feathers, and Cora is more uniform, but their bills and feet are very similar. As mentioned yesterday, Clive will put on a bit more of a show in spring, and I think in the fall too:

Clive and Cora

Clive and Cora

An animated slow-mo GIF of Cora dunking and the water flowing off her back:

GIF of dunking

And a slow-mo GIF of flapping her wings; look at all those feathers:

GIF of flapping wings

Cat update for week ending July 25

This week for Caturday, a couple of GIFs with Poppa and Bella, and the usual assortment of cat pics.

Paladout is watched from the cat house:


Poppy and Pommie:

Poppy and Pommie

The mushroom girls, Bella and Porcini:

Bella and Porcini

Poppa, with Porcini in the background:


An animated GIF of Poppa drinking, with Porcini approaching from the back, then Bella rushes up, chasing Poppa:

Poppa and Bella GIF

Another GIF from a few minutes later; Bella was having a bath, Poppa started to get comfortable, and Bella didn’t allow that:

Poppa and Bella GIF

She seems to have a bit of a problem with him; they don’t fight, she just appears to want to put him in his place.

Porcini relaxing on their deck:


Pommie in front of the cabins:



Pommie watching me from behind the cabins:



Costco deliveries:


Three cats:

Three cats

Poppa and Pommie sniffing noses:

Poppa and Pommie

Pepper in her nest on the shelves in the front of the shop:


Three cats:

Three cats

