Cat update for week ending February 22

This week, my first sighting of a coyote, plus some raccoons, and less Pumpkin than usual.

Pumpkin standing by the water dish:

Pumpkin standing

That was the last time I saw him for several days; but he did return. Made us wonder if he does have another home, and was kept inside to heal from his fight last week?

Double-decker breezeway cabin cats:

Breezeway cats

Breezeway cats:

Breezeway cats

A GIF of a cat carrying a prize; doing their job catching rodents:

GIF of cat with prize

Two cats near their house:

Two cats

A coyote visited the cat house. Although I’ve seen signs of them many times, this was the first time I’ve seen one on my cameras. This one is wounded; their front-left paw seems to be missing or mangled, so it was hopping around like Rory does. While I certainly don’t want to encourage coyotes, I do have some sympathy for this one:









Two cats on the empty fountain pool:

Two cats on fountain

Three cats in the breezeway:

Three cats in breezeway

Two cats in their house, taking advantage of it with Pumpkin away:

Two cats in house

Chasing a flying insect in the house:

Cat chasing fly

A few days later, the tripawd coyote returned, and this time ventured inside the feeder, though there wasn’t any food there:








Our local feed store has a couple of roaming cats (useful to protect the supplies from rodents); this one has an ear-tip to mark it as a neutered feral cat, but is friendly:

Feed store cat

One of the twins:


With Pumpkin away, and some other cats not visiting, there has been an excess of food dispensed, leaving a bunch at night. A lucky raccoon had a feast:

Lucky raccoon

It was too much food even for the raccoon… though it (or another one) did come back later to finish it off:

Too much food even for the raccoon

I subsequently significantly cut back the amount of food being dispensed. I’d rather have to manually dispense food than leave some overnight, encouraging unauthorized wildlife visitors. (I can remotely manually dispense via the feeder’s app.)

A cropped screenshot of the two shop cats; Pansy using the heating pad, and Pepper eating:

Shop cats



Porcini and Poppy playing:

Porcini and Poppy

Porcini and Poppy

Pausing while scratching the tree, with another cat drinking in the background:

Scratching tree



I heard some quiet cat conversation on our front steps next to my desk, and turned on the light to see one of the twins on the steps, and another cat below the door (not visible here). Not fighting, just meowing at each other, which is a bit unusual for ferals. They didn’t run away when they saw me, either, though I’m sure would have if I had opened the door:

Cat on front steps

Three cats in the breezeway again:

Three cats in breezeway

After most of the week away, Pumpkin returned yesterday. I didn’t see any sign of treatment, but I didn’t get a very good look. He may have just been roaming. Though I haven’t seen him yet today, so if he does have a human home, maybe he slipped out:

Pumpkin returns

A Steller’s Jay:

Steller's Jay



The robin having a bath in the water dispenser; I’m sure the cats enjoyed the bird flavor in their water:

Bird bath

A cute trash panda face, I mean raccoon, with no food this time:


Flock Friday for February 21

This week, the heron returns, a super-exciting stack of food bags and fun egg math, and assorted duck and chicken pics.

The heron landing:


The ducks swam over to investigate:


A while later, taking off again:



The ducks by their frosty-roofed house:


Ducks from below the pond deck, while I was wiping off the pond cam:



A peek of some chickens through the fence:


The aforementioned exciting pile of bags of chicken food, and a flock block:

Chicken food

Let’s do some fun math.  The chickens go through about a bag per week between the two coops — I typically get about six bags of feed every six weeks or so. (The ducks eat it too, but there are only a couple of them, so negligible difference.)  Each bag costs $29.95.

We’re currently averaging about 6 eggs per day, ramping up as the weather warms up.  At their peak production it’s more like 10.  So that’s 42 to 70 eggs per week, or 3.5 to 5.8 dozen per week.

So in terms of food, each egg costs $0.71 to $0.43, or $8.52 to $5.16 per dozen (they eat at a fairly constant rate, so the more eggs they lay, the cheaper each is).  And we give away the majority of those.  Certainly not a cheap way to get eggs, but we enjoy the chickens, and you can’t beat the taste of farm-fresh eggs!

Sometimes it’s best not to look too closely at the numbers.

Anyway, back to the pics. The chickens in the new coop, waiting for their mealworm treats (let’s not factor those into the math too!):


They are still mostly roosting above the nesting boxes in the new coop:

Chickens roosting

For completeness, the old coop too:

Chickens roosting

Finally, some pictures in the old coop just after I gave them the new flock block:




Cat update for week ending February 15

On this week’s cat update, lots of cuteness, and a bit of drama. But only one GIF.

Porcini stretching against a tree:

Porcini stretch

Breezeway licks:

Breezeway licks

And snuggles:

Breezeway snuggles

Breezeway snuggles

Watching the sunrise from the breezeway:

Sitting in the breezeway

It may be a little hard to see, but look in the background on the right: a cat climbing a pole:

Cat climbing pole

Even harder to see, sitting on top of the pole:

Cat on top of pole

And down again; the ferals are very good at climbing, and know to turn around and back downwards, so their claws have traction:

Cat climbing down pole

Poppy in the breezeway during daylight hours:

Poppy in breezeway

Porcini and Poppy next to the cat house:

Two cats

Pumpkin watching me from the cabin while I refill the bird feeders:


A rare color picture of Pepper, watching me in the shop (shortly after walking right by me):




Bella and Poppy:

Bella and Poppy

Paladout and Pumpkin:

Paladout and Pumpkin



Pumpkin again:




Porcini on the parcel box on our front steps, with one of the twins below:

Porcini and twin

A couple more of Porcini; she either didn’t notice me watching her from the window a few feet away, or ignored me:



Bella inside the cat house:


Going up:

Going up

Going down:

Going down



An animated GIF of a flight between Pumpkin and a twin (probably Spud):

Cat fight GIF

Spud (or Pommie) was just sitting next to Pumpkin’s favorite shelter, and Pumpkin ran up and attacked. Spud seemed to fare better, though; Pumpkin lost some tufts of fur (you can see it drifting in the GIF), and suffered a bite or scratch on his tail:

Pumpkin wound

Hopefully he’ll be a bit more respectful of Spud in the future.

Anyway, back to cuteness. Breezeway cats:

Breezeway cats


Breezeway snuggles

The two “mushroom girls”, Portabella (aka Bella) and Porcini:

Mushroom girls



Three cats:

Three cats

A couple action shots of running cats:

Running cats

Running cats

Porcini and Poppy:

Porcini and Poppy



Poppy face:

Poppy face

Pumpkin closeup:

Pumpkin closeup

I put a heating pad on an old cat bed in the back of the shop, but I hadn’t seen Pansy using it until now:

Pansy on heating pad

Pansy on heating pad

Flock Friday for February 14

On this week’s flock update, some ducks and some chickens. I know, huge surprise.

Ducks amongst the pond grasses:

Ducks amongst pond grasses

Ducks amongst pond grasses

Ducks amongst pond grasses

Chickens in the veggie garden coming to see me:

Chickens in the veggie garden coming to see me

I went into the veggie garden and took some pictures of the chickens for your enjoyment:

Chickens in the veggie garden

Chickens in the veggie garden

Chickens in the veggie garden

Chickens in the veggie garden

Chickens in the veggie garden

Chickens in the veggie garden

Finally, a couple more pictures of the ducks:



Building greenhouse shelving: finished

Yesterday I did the finishing touches on the greenhouse shelving: installing the sink and a second coat of stain.  (See the first, second, and third posts, if you missed them.)

But first, I screwed a couple of small blocks to secure the potting bench to the foundation, both so it can’t tip, and because it’ll eventually have water pipes mounted to it:

Block to secure potting bench

Then I installed the sink:


It is supported by boards underneath:

Under sink

I also added a hose reel to the side of the potting bench; later I’ll add a tap under the sink for it (and others above). This hose will be for ad-hoc watering of anything in the greenhouse:

Hose reel

The potting bench had hooks on the side, which I removed when mounting the sink, so I put them on the right of the right-hand shelves; perhaps useful for tools:


A view of the back of the sink, above the louver vent, from outside:

Outside by sink

Another shot from outside, showing the back of the shelves:


The completed shelves with a second coat of stain:

Shelves with second coat of stain

A wide-angle shot of the shelves:


Another view of the shelves and sink:

Shelves and sink

This morning I went out there and put some trays on the shelves, as a demo of usage:

Trays on shelves

Potting bench and sink

Trays on shelves

Right shelves

A wide-angle of the inside of the whole greenhouse:

Whole greenhouse

This concludes this construction project. Hopefully Jenn will get good use out of these shelves, significantly increasing the growing capacity within the greenhouse.

A separate but related project will be to install plumbing: connecting a pipe from the nearby underground pipe, routing it to a tap under the hose reel, another tap for the sink, and a third tap on the back shelves for irrigation. Hooked onto that I’ll have a water timer and splitter, with irrigation tubing going to each shelf, and mister emitters as needed to irrigate the seedling trays. That’ll be a project for another day.

Cat update for week ending February 8

This week, more snow and more GIFs, though half as many as last time.

Here are Bella and Poppy sitting by the breezeway cabin, from two angles:

Bella and Poppy

Bella and Poppy

You may recall that Pumpkin dislodged the decorative barrel on the cat house deck a couple of weeks ago; I re-glued it back in place:

Replaced barrel

Here’s a shot from a bit further back, including the door to the cat house:

Replaced barrel

Poppy hiding under the stacked furniture on our deck gazebo:


Porcini and Poppy:

Porcini and Poppy



Porcini pole dancing:

Porcini pole dancing

Derpy Porciini:

Derpy Porciini

Porcini looking at a bird:


GIF of Porcini playing, watched by another couple of cats:

GIF of Porcini playing

Three cats:

Three cats

Pumpkin (looking rather evil, but really just sleepy) watching the snow come down:

Pumpkin watching snow

Pumpkin walking in the snow:

Pumpkin in snow

Another cat in the snow:

Cat in snow

Cat prints in the snow on our driveway:

Cat prints in snow

The cat house in the snow:

Cat house in snow

Cat house in snow

Cats in snow:

Cats in snow


Pumpkin in snow

Watch a GIF of cats with melting snow:

GIF of cats with melting snow

Bella in the breezeway at dusk:

Bella in breezeway

GIF of Pumpkin arriving and startling Porcini; I think he was just as startled:

GIF of Porcini and Pumpkin

Breezeway snuggles:

Breezeway snuggles

GIF of a raccoon grabbing a few crumbs of food:

GIF of a raccoon grabbing food

Daytime in the breezeway; quite a contrast between the bright light outside and the dark of the shelves:

Daytime breezeway

Pansy reaching for food:

Pansy reaching for food



GIF of licks in the breezeway cabin:

GIF of licks in breezeway cabin

GIF of Bella rolling around in the cat house:

GIF of Bella in cat house

A twin on the kitchen lawn (I think Spud):

Twin on kitchen lawn

Twin on kitchen lawn

Porcini by the cabins:


One of the twins; I think this is Pommie:


This is definitely Spud (I saw his rear end, the only definitive way to tell them apart).  I can’t tell any difference in markings between the two twins, but Spud is a little skinnier:


Pumpkin hadn’t been hanging around for the last two days, so we were starting to worry something had happened to him, but he turned up again this morning:


Flock Friday for February 7

This week, some pictures of the chickens and ducks with a bit more snow, the fish a bit more active, and a bit of a dust bath.

Here are the three big koi swimming slowly about. They’re still very sluggish, since it’s still cold, but I haven’t seen much of them for a while:


The ducks are curious about the koi:

Ducks and fish

A duck in the rain:

Duck in rain

From the pond deck, the ducks swimming over to see me:




Two chickens in a nesting box:

Two chickens in nesting box

Chickens in snow:

Chickens in snow

Chickens in snow

Chickens in snow

Ducks with snowy pond banks:


Ducks with snow

Ducks with snow

I really like this shot from the hidden path:

Ducks with snow

A chicken having a dust bath:

Chickens having dust bath

Here’s a GIF version of the dust bath:

GIF of chickens having dust bath

Building greenhouse shelving: staining and installing

Over the weekend I continued work on the greenhouse shelving project.  (See the first and second posts, if you missed them.)

But first, during the week I ordered a new interlocking rubber mat for the floor, and added that when it arrived:


It nicely covers all of the exposed floor space (the part where the stool is will have the sink above it). It came with four 3×3’ portions, but I only needed two here; I’ll probably use the other two in the workshop.

Here’s a closeup of the mat:


I originally wasn’t going to paint or stain the shelves, figuring they’d be fine, but realized that they’ll be exposed to a lot of moisture, so could grow mold (and rot, but I wasn’t so worried about that). So I decided to stain them. They do look nicer stained, too.

Here I’m staining the back posts; they are attached at the bottom, so I’m just leaning them forward to stain behind:

Staining posts

Staining the right posts:

Staining posts

Then I started staining the shelves, doing the bottom and sides of each shelf with it leaning vertically:

Staining bottom of shelf

I then placed the shelf in position, screwed it to the supports, then stained the top:

Installing bottom shelf

I figured that it’d be easier to install each shelf as I go, to make it easier to reach the screws. And leaving the top till after installation would avoid too much handling wet stain.

Two shelves done:

Two shelves done

For the next shelf, I added a support for the sink; it will be held up on the right side by this L-shaped bracket below the shelf:

Sink mount

The back and left side of the sink will be supported by these L-shaped boards (and the others will be used elsewhere); I’ll add them next weekend:

Sink mount

The back shelves installed; four 2×6’ shelves, and a small shelf above the power strip:

Back shelves installed

The bottom-right shelf installed:

Bottom-right shelf installed

All four right shelves installed; three 2×6’ shelves (actually a couple of inches wider and shallower than the back ones, to give more floor space), and one shallower one (about 10” deep), enabling the second-from-top shelf to be used as an extra workbench if needed:

Right shelves installed

The shelves only have one coat of stain at present. I will probably give them a second coat next weekend.

Here’s a wide-angle view of all of the shelves:

Wide-angle of shelves

Next weekend I’ll give the shelves a second coat, and install the sink.

February snow

We woke up to about an inch of snow this morning, with a little continuing in the early morning. It’ll likely be all gone by end of day, but let’s take a walk around the property.

Cat footprints on the driveway:

Cat footprints

Trees and bees:

Trees and bees

Greenhouse (more on the shelving project probably tomorrow):


Chickens (more pictures of them in the snow on Friday):


Gazebo and grove:

Gazebo and grove

Path to the duck house:

Path to duck house



East-side trees fading into the distance:


North-east trees:


From the pond deck — the ducks, pond, and snowy trees:

Ducks and pond

Reflection on the pond:


Gazebo and dormant flowerbeds, with the pond deck in the background:

Gazebo and flowerbeds

Finally, the cat house, with more cat prints (more of this on Caturday, of course):

Cat house