This Caturday, some wildlife visitors and increased use of cozy accommodations.
The tripawd coyote visited again last Saturday night, but hasn’t been back since:

Poppy and Porcini having breakfast:

Pommie in front of the cabins:

An animated GIF of three cats going in and out of the breezeway cabin (crowded in there!), with another cat watching from the log pile in the background:

Three cats again, this time by their house:

A raccoon visited Porcini in a cabin:

She swiped at it and retreated out the back door; it jumped back then left. She came back later.

Pommie in the breezeway:

Two cats in their house:

Two possums in the feeder (with no food). Unusual to see two; they usually travel singly. These look young, though:

Cat closeup:

Pumpkin and Porcini; he just sniffed and left. Perhaps disappointed that she has taken the cabin he had preferred. He hasn’t been hanging around very often this week:

A rare color picture of Pansy in the back of the shop, using the heating pad:

Poppy enjoyed the cat house a few times this week:

Sun setting behind Porcini:

A cat climbing up the pole behind the cat house:

The cat on top of the pole from the other camera:

Jumping down from the pole; probably not as comfortable as climbing down backwards, but faster:

The left cabin is the original one I got before building the cat house, and the cover had torn off the heating pad, making it less comfortable to sit on, so the cats haven’t been using it. So I added an old spare flannel pillowcase to it, leaving the old cover bunched up at the back (it’s still partially attached):

Porcini and Pommie checking out the cabin with the pillowcase:

Porcini in an odd place, on top of a deck joist:

Pommie approved of the addition of the pillowcase:

Pommie and Porcini in the cabins:

At the same time as that last picture, Poppy in the breezeway cabin:

Pommie and Porcini in the cabins this morning:

Poppy checking out Pommie and Porcini in the cabins:

They’re still there as I write this, a couple of hours later. Makes me happy to see cozy cats.